Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Five Months

So I am behind in posting as our little guy is almost SIX months now, but I will catch you up. Month Five was a blast. Ben is learning so much and hits new milestones daily it seems. This month he learned to roll over with purpose, he "talks" to us (saying "da da da da," but I don't think he's associated it with Luke yet), he is reaching out for objects of desire (mom's hair, mom's necklaces, food on our plates, anything that sparkles or has lights, cell phones, etc), he can sit propped up, and his feet and hands (anyone's) are a good source of entertainment. He is teething, and we have seen the start of a bottom right tooth, although it hasn't broken the surface yet. He loves it when I sing ANYTHING...I'm getting good at making up random songs. His favorite book is "It's Raining Pigs and Noodles."

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