Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter at Grandma and Grandpa's

Aunt Kristi took such a cute picture of Ben last year with these stuffed animals. This year he was more interested in being covered in the animals and pillows.

Future dog-whisperer. Benjamin and Isaac.

He did not understand what Easter egg hunting was all about. Dad had to help, and then he watched his older cousins and how excited they got. And then, well, he learned there was popcorn treats inside the eggs. Each egg had to be eaten before going on to find another.

The week after Easter I took some of the plastic eggs and put Cheerios, raisins and fish crackers in each and hid them the night before. Ben's eyes get so big and he shouts, "I"STER EGG! Not sure when I'm going to stop...

Ben learned to say, "He is Risen Indeed!"

Side story: After church one day I asked Ben what he had learned about in Sunday School. He said, "God." I said, "Wow Ben, that's great! What else did you learn about?" "More God." :)

Easter Decoration Preparation at Nana and Papa's

Ben brought Nana a chocolate bunny to make her feel better after her skiing injury. Am I stating the obvious when I say he may have enjoyed it more than her?

Ben has never been a fan of eggs. But, when you color them, he magically develops an interest in them!

"Gentle Ben, gentle." It was more fun to throw them in the water and watch the colored water splash.

Papa showing Ben how to dye eggs.

Yes, my nana is a preschool teacher...

The Swing

Nana has taken Benjamin's swing out of the little apple tree from last year and put it in the big tall maple this year. Ben can really fly and he loves it!

More faces of Ben

Helping mom plant garden boxes.

At the Children's Museum.
Pretending to be Sadie in the dog run.
"Ben, where is your eye?"
That's just one of his faces...

22-Month Update

He continually amazes us with his language. He has a handful of songs he sings to us now and makes up some of his own lyrics, which he thinks is hilarious! He finds some non-sensical words, such as "Dit-Day" and "Boof" to be giggle-worthy too. Started to object to washing his hair at night and brushing his teeth, and he has learned the power of the word, "no." Also, has found that any food he doesn't want to eat, he can just toss off his tray and Sadie makes it disappear (frankly surprised it took him this long to figure that out!). Mom has checked out, "Love & Logic Magic for Early Childhood" and is hoping to find some pearls. Favorite activity is making any toy fall off the coffee table and land with a big BOOM, particularly his cars. Started imaginative play, making sure he feeds all of his stuffed animals and putting them to bed with kisses. When we crouch and open up our arms, it is the sweetest thing when he comes running for a hug.