I think we've got a left-brained kid. He sorts everything; stacks his blocks by color, lines up his cars end to end, divides out his crayons, and even likes his food in neat piles. He has quite the sense of humor, quickly picking up on what you think is funny and repeating it. My mistake for laughing when he called me "Kristen!" I'm not "Mama" for the time being. He thinks he's magical when he blows open the garage door, and turns on and off the lights. He loves when we sing to him, and he's learned how to weasle "one more" song out of us at bedtime. He's perfected the fist bump and the high five. He loves to be covered up with pillows and blankets. Today when reading "The Three Little Pigs," he told me all about how the wolf went down the "chimpanzee" (chimney). He sings a cute version of his own ABC's and counts to 20. Still a very cautious little boy; doesn't like horse snuffles, the sound of the blender or vacuum, or when Mom leaves his sight.