Flag Day, aka Benjamin's birthday, was full of all Ben's favorite things. Here is full photo documentation for your enjoyment as well. :)
Snuggles with Sadie in the morning after Ma-Ma and Da-Da sung "Happy Birthday" to me in my crib.
Trip to MudPuddles toy store to play. We also went to Al's Garden Store to sniff flowers and to pick out plants for our garden, but no pictures were taken... To the library...
We celebrated Benjamin's birthday a weekend early as the shelter at Snyder Park was already reserved for his actual birthday weekend. And, even though his birthday is June 14th, us Oregonians know to be prepared and I am glad we were!! Despite the rain, it was a lot of fun to hang out with friends and family and celebrate the birth of our sweet little stinker. He almost fell asleep eating his cake! He slept on "Na-Na" for about an hour and had post nap snuggles with Gramma Carol.
Benjamin can now stand VERY briefly on his own, and then he immediately gets into the squatting position. Probably the biggest leap this month has been verbally. He tries to imitate everything and finally says "MA-MA"!! Other favorite words are "ball," "bear," and "ba-ba" (bottle), as well as "dog". Of course Benjamin likes "B's"! He loves to read and there are a couple of books "Ma-Ma" and "Da-Da" have memorized now. He is starting to show affection with unsolicited kisses, hugs for Sadie and snuggles with stuffed animals. It turns out he is also very ticklish underneath his arms. Benjamin remains a GREAT eater and still has not refused anything.
Earlier in the day, Carol, Vanessa and I got pedicures for Mother's Day/Birthday combo. Then Luke surprised me for my birthday and took me to Jory at The Allison Inn & Spa in Newberg. Carol watched Ben for us and it was a wonderful relaxing evening with great views of wine country.